What IS What Is, The Now, and Presence?

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Discover how our direct experience of reality differs from our interpretations of it, and how awakening into a state of Presence in The Now, allows for clarity, better relationships, inner peace, and aware wise choices.

What IS What Is?

Bodhi Jeffreys Quote: There is What Is, and there is our relationship to What Is. That “relationship” is our interpretation of What Is — seen through the lens of our conditioning.

What Is has to do with what’s real — the raw unfiltered truth of what’s taking place. The Is-ness of existence.

There is What Is, and there is our relationship to What Is. That “relationship” is our interpretation of what we’ve experienced. Most often that interpretation is based on our history — the lens through which we’ve been conditioned to see things.

There’s nothing wrong with having an interpretation. But on the path of awakening, the imperative is to be able to distinguish between What Is — what’s real as observed in a neutral way — from any conditioned, thought-based or colored interpretation of what’s real.

The great value of being able to discern What Is from the relationship we form to What Is, is that it’s our interpretations that typically cause our distorted emotional reactions that interfere with relationships, clear thinking, productivity, and more.

Byron Katie’s process, “The Work” is a great way to help distinguish what’s real.

What IS Presence?

Presence is a state of consciousness in which we have a pure, felt, direct experience of What Is, prior to thought. A sense of Being. Being the awareness that we are — living as awareness. An aware Presence.

We’re “being”, flowing, not locked in our minds compulsively thinking.

In presence, what would we notice? We sense energy. It’s often subtle, but not always. When we distinguish the color blue from red, or the musical note F from G, we’re distinguishing different wavelengths of energy. Sometimes we can sense a person is upset, sometimes we can’t.

Bodhi Jeffreys Quote: Presence is the state of consciousness in which we have a pure, sensed, direct experience of What Is — prior to thought.

I’ll take it up a knotch.

Let’s say we’re out in nature, sitting in a state of stillness. In presence, being with nature. A man approaches and says in an alarmed tone, “My daughter’s missing!”

In presence, we sense the energy, tone, and volume carrying the words to us. We notice their facial expression as the the words are expressed. We might sense the tension or fear they’re experiencing.

Next, still in presence, our brains comprehend (not interpret!) what’s been said. The actual meaning of the words.

In presence, our hearts are open, we may feel care, concern, and compassion for the man and his child. But we’re able to think clearly and wisely respond to assist as able.

But where most people generally leave that state of presence is when we start to form a relationship to What Is or interpret what’s going on. Forming a relationship to What Is is essentially making the situation about ourselves in some way.

If in our personal history there was a time when we were not paying appropriate attention to what our daughter was doing and she got lost and hurt, seeing and hearing the man in fear might trigger that old pain and guilt, leaving us somewhat brain scrambled. We might start to panic too. Not helpful.

Note: It’s very challenging to stare at a phone or computer screen and stay in a state of presence. This is why so many of us can get lost in our screens.

We can always come back into presence. It’s actually our natural state. Maybe not our “normal” state due to our conditioning, but it is natural to all of us.

Here’s a short 8 minute audio track, “One Consciousness Meditation”, that can help you return to presence at any time.

What IS The Now?

Bodhi Jeffreys Quote: The Now is the field in which existence is taking place. It is not a measurement of time. Not “this now” then “this now”. Those are references to moments of The Now. There is just...one...Now.

The Now is the "field" in which this reality of What Is is happening. It’s the space in which everything is taking place.

It’s always The Now. Five minutes ago when I was washing lettuce, it was the Now. In twenty years when I'll be at a club dancing, it will be The Now.

Our thoughts arise and dissolve in the Now. Our feelings and emotions arise in the Now and then dissolve in the Now. Civilizations have risen and fallen... in The Now.

The Now is not time-based, it's presence-based.

When we are in a state of presence, we are aware of being in the Now.

And it’s one Now. It's not "this now" then "this now" then "this now". Those are references to moments of the Now.

Everyone and everything simply takes place — ever in The Now.

To flow your way more into The Now, read or listen to anything by Eckhart Tolle.

If you’d like to experience living more and more in presence and The Now, feel free to contact me at bodhi@bodhijeffreys.com.

Recent testimonials

  • Bodhi always leaves me feeling more empowered, more joyful, more truly accepting...

    Helle Laursen Leading Mentor Coach and CEO, Nordic Center for Mindful Self-Compassion Silkeborg, Denmark

    Working with Bodhi repeatedly over several years, I am constantly filled with deep gratitude after each session. Bodhi always leaves me feeling more empowered, more joyful, more truly accepting all parts of what I am, and with more energy to face life. Being a mentor coach myself, I have learned from Bodhi's amazing ability to give further depth to any issue within coaching. He is more than just a great coach, he is embodied wisdom, ready to share and give more meaning and depth to all matters I bring up. Bodhi takes coaching to a new level: it is healing, very practical, and supports my commitment to live my life from compassion and awareness.

  • Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions!

    Dorthe Schorn Staff & Training Manager Hamburg, Germany

    Bodhi is an endless energy field of inspiration, purpose, clarity, truth, authenticity, compassion, joy, love and inner peace. The way he embodies and shares his profound wisdom of awakening is powerful and grounded, while gentle, light and constantly evolving. Bodhi is not only a teacher in the best possible sense of the word but a healer and “wise man” who can support you in tackling any personal or professional challenges.

    One of his greatest talents is meeting you exactly where you’re at, and then gently guiding you from there. Bodhi also has the greatest sense of humor and we laugh a lot during sessions! Working with him is a precious adventure and it has a tremendous impact on the way I show up and experience my working and private life.

  • Bodhi has been a guiding light for me, opening doors to my own hidden resources.

    Paul Williams Author of "Das Energi", Founder of Crawdaddy Magazine Encinitas, California

    Bodhi has been a guiding light for me, opening doors to my own hidden resources. I have found working with him to be a tremendously healing and awakening experience. I would unhesitatingly recommend Bodhi and his work to any friend in need. The truth is within us, but it is a joy and a great relief for me to have found a teacher who has been able to so quickly put me in touch with that inner truth and its liberating powers.

  • I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life.

    Violet Lehrer Owner, Clarity Path Coaching Carlsbad, California

    Bodhi, I woke up flooded with gratitude for you today — your essence, your teaching, your energy, your sweet soft voice, your non-judgment. Your ability to have integrated that and not just teach it is inspiring to me. I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life. I’m thankful that the kids have learned the meaning of resistance and trigger.

    I’m thankful for the hundred times I’ve heard your voice saying “the truth and essence of who we are is love” and that I can hear that voice in my head louder than the childhood “you’re not good enough”. I’ve thankful for the healing you’ve guided me on. I’m thankful that you have shown me (and Matt) the path to our hearts. I’m thankful for all the moments of freedom and joy that are in my life because I am not in resistance. You have made a profound difference in my life.

  • I forget Bodhi is at the other side of the planet – he is truly with me when we work together.

    Lisbet Hjort Author, Awakening Mentor, Human Resources Manager Copenhagen, Denmark

    There is a before and an after regarding my work with Bodhi. Before working with Bodhi for many years I experienced a life with a lot of struggle, pain and resistance, both in my private and my business life. Today I experience a life with joy, love and peace – even amidst the challenges of life. I’ve never actually been with him in person – but I sense his energy, his warmth and love in our work. I forget Bodhi is at the other side of the planet – he is truly with me when we work together.

    Bodhi is a gift in the world – he can work on many levels which means that you can work and grow on many levels too. I will always be very grateful that we connected and I highly recommend Bodhi to everybody that really wants to live a life in freedom.

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