4 Essential Elements to Making Wise Decisions

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Learn the art of wise decision-making, incorporating self-awareness, integrity, truth, and empathy. And discover how this will help navigate life's challenges with ease and clarity.

The Role of Awareness in Decision-Making

Without awareness there is no wisdom. And there are so many ways we can come to this conclusion.

Being aware, it becomes very difficult to convince ourselves that doing things that are out of alignment with our values or out of integrity are justifiable. Without awareness, the things that haunt us – signals alerting us that we’re out of integrity – can be easily buried or ignored.

What Gets in the Way?

Quoto: Without fine-tuned self-awareness, we can easily bury and ignore the hauntings of our conscience — signals alerting us that we've been out of integrity in some way.

We often don’t want to see those signals because acknowledging them could interfere with getting what we think we want. Often times, we’re not seeing the picture because we've blinded ourselves to the price we’ll pay later on.

We can be quite skilled at avoiding or denying these signals from our conscience or awareness.

There’s so much do deal with in our busy lives that we can easily use truly important matters to purposefully distract ourselves from any uncomfortable thoughts we don’t want to experience.

Awareness as a More Conscious Way

We often don’t want to see those signals because acknowledging them could interfere with getting what we think we want. Often times, we’re not seeing the picture because we've blinded ourselves to the price we’ll pay later on.

We can be quite skilled at avoiding or denying these signals from our conscience or awareness.

There’s so much do deal with in our busy lives that we can easily use truly important matters to purposefully distract ourselves from any uncomfortable thoughts we don’t want to experience.

Awareness as a More Conscious Way

Being aware takes into account all of what we sense and feel, what we know, what we value, and what we perceive in the world around us. It helps us see where there are gaps in what we know — crucial input before we make a decision.

Unfiltered, undistorted awareness is essential because it helps us to see what’s really going on. Then, we can make truly wise decisions.

The Foundation of Conscious Living

Those of us doing our best to live more consciously strive to evolve the foundation from which we operate, realizing greater and greater capacities over time.

A few foundational aspects are:

  • Dedication to greater self-awareness and being aware of all that is around us
  • An imperative to live in alignment and integrity with our deepest values and the principles we hold high
  • An ironclad commitment to be in truth with ourselves and others
  • An open heart and deep caring for how any decision we make impacts not only ourselves, but our stakeholders and the world around us.

Heightening Decision-Making Awareness

What are some core areas in which we need to raise our decision-making awareness?

Every decision will be better informed when we’re aware of what we and others think and feel; what our needs and desires are; what our patterns of behavior are when trying to meet those needs; and how well we’re aligned with our values as we move through each day.

All of this provides information and insight into the forces involved in any decision, and with heightened awareness, we stand a greater chance of arriving at wise decisions.

Holistic Decision-Making

Wise decision-making requires a holistic view of situations that allows us to see a more multifaceted picture than traditional decision-making — a broader range of potential far-reaching impacts our choices may have on ourselves and our those around us.

Quoto: I'm not suggesting having influence is a “bad thing,” but it's healthy to stay aware of how much sway we have with others, and how consciously — and to what purpose — we use that power. Awareness all around this raises the chances we'll act honorably and preserve our relationships.

With our intent to live more consciously, we recognize and value the interconnectedness of everyone and everything on the planet. Thus, as we endeavor to make wise choices, we also look at how we might positively impact or influence the world around us.

This doesn’t mean that if there is any possible harm resulting from our decisions that we abandon them. We live in an imperfect world. In wise decision-making, our intent is to raise our awareness so that we can take all that we are able to notice into account, weigh what we see, and find ways in which we can mitigate or minimize any possible negative impacts.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence and Integrity

Taking feelings into account is essential. As we consider our choices, we pause to become more aware of how we and others feel about the various aspects of the decision. This is important data. It opens our eyes to what’s going on within us and others, providing a richer picture of what’s going on.

Quoto: Most people try to push fear away. It's uncomfortable, it's confronting. It can erode our confidence if we don’t face it. Conversely, directly addressing the fear will reveal a valuable treasure that can fuel our growth.

And raising our awareness of how other’s voices are influencing us can be key as well. While there’s great value in listening to and learning from the wisdom, critiques and creative idea of others, it’s also important for us to notice when we are allowing ourselves to be “over-influenced”.

Addressing fear head on so that it doesn’t unduly influence us is essential. I’m pretty sure that none of us have listed “acting from fear” as one of our values.

Free of fear’s shadow, we can see the landscape of what we’re considering choosing from a neutral vantage point. This allows us to see with greater clarity and increases the odds of arriving at a wise decision.

We’ll also do a gut check and test out how honest we’re being with ourselves about what we’re thinking of doing, checking for any breaches in our integrity that might be flying under the radar and partially or fully blinding us.

Awareness is Invaluable Treasure

Without being aware, we would not have access to this vast treasury of information. Without self-awareness, we would not have access to our internal sense of knowing what feels right in any given situation.

With the clarity and insights derived from awareness, we become far more capable of navigating wisely through all our decision-making opportunities. And truly, awareness ultimately makes our lives easier and less stressful.

Would you like to be more present, feel more alive and connected, with a greater sense of inner peace?

It's my mission to support people in living and leading with greater ease, wisdom, and inner peace. To feel more deeply connected with those around them.

If you'd like to tap into your deeper insight and practical wisdom to live and lead more consciously, feel free to reach out at bodhi@bodhijeffreys.com to set up a time to connect.

To see what others have to say about the work we do together, please check out the testimonials here. I look forward to connecting.

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Recent testimonials

  • The synergy of his organizational expertise with his insight, clarity and awareness has brought the university to a new level.

    Irv Katz, Ph.D., Chancellor International University of Professional Studies Maui, Hawaii

    Bodhi's extraordinary talent of bringing clarity to our vision, goals, and processes has been of great benefit to the university. We’re more focused, more productive, and are in a much better position to serve our student population. The synergy of his organizational expertise with his insight, clarity and awareness has brought the university to a new level.

  • I forget Bodhi is at the other side of the planet – he is truly with me when we work together.

    Lisbet Hjort Author, Awakening Mentor, Human Resources Manager Copenhagen, Denmark

    There is a before and an after regarding my work with Bodhi. Before working with Bodhi for many years I experienced a life with a lot of struggle, pain and resistance, both in my private and my business life. Today I experience a life with joy, love and peace – even amidst the challenges of life. I’ve never actually been with him in person – but I sense his energy, his warmth and love in our work. I forget Bodhi is at the other side of the planet – he is truly with me when we work together.

    Bodhi is a gift in the world – he can work on many levels which means that you can work and grow on many levels too. I will always be very grateful that we connected and I highly recommend Bodhi to everybody that really wants to live a life in freedom.

  • Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique.

    Sofia Manning Best-Selling Author, Founder of Manning Inspire Copenhagen, Denmark

    I have met a lot of coaches and being a coach myself I have very high standards for what I think a great coach is. Bodhi is more than a great coach, he is a healer and teacher as well as a brilliant coach. Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work with him and highly recommend his coaching to anyone who is committed to truth and living a life from freedom.

  • What Bodhi does almost makes traditional coaching obsolete.

    Calvin Correli President & CEO, Creator of Simplero New York, New York

    I have used many coaches over the years, but Bodhi is one that I return to because he is simply in a class of his own. My experience has been that a lot of coaches can help you get to your goals faster, only to have you realize that those goals didn't actually fulfill you or give you what you thought they would. What Bodhi does, is help me heal and clear out those things that prevent me from going where I truly need and want to go, in the simplest possible way. What Bodhi does almost makes traditional coaching obsolete.

  • It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence.

    Silja Bjorklund Quantum Energetics Practitioner, QE With Silja Encinitas, California

    Working with Bodhi has brought me into a profoundly deep awareness of my true nature. It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence. His coaching to live this in my daily life is gentle, clear, and very effective.

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