How to Free Yourself from Self-Doubt

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Break free from the chains of self-doubt. Gain insight into what triggers doubt in you, and strategies to effectively deal with those triggers. Learn to shift away from doubt and into reality to flow more freely in your life.

Imposter Syndrome and Leadership

It is not unusual to have doubts about ourselves; we all do at times. But too much doubt can impair our ability to function well and even go as far as causing us to feel like a full-fledged imposter. It’s a nasty pattern that messes with our heads, creativity, and relationships.

One way this can happen is when we attain a level of recognition that we aren’t convinced we’re worthy of. The pressure and tension of all the self-doubt and trying to live up to a certain standard can impair our ability to function well. And if the seeds are there, reinforce our belief or fear that we may be an imposter.

So how do we free ourselves from this so we can flow and function optimally?

The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Self-Doubt

Quoto: Our interpretations of what's going on are colored by our history and our wounds. Not realizing this allows us to actually believe what we think.

Through life’s trials and tribulations, most of us become, to some degree, unconvinced of our worth. This happens in almost every childhood, during which there is ample opportunity to find ourselves in situations that can negatively influence how we see ourselves.

Many people I’ve worked with could recall numerous childhood moments where they successfully completed tasks but were told that what they had done was not good enough.

Some could recall achieving something yet getting no recognition at all from their parents or teachers. Most recall being criticized and feeling diminished when they didn’t get things right.

And almost all of them voiced how these lasting impressions left traces of lingering doubt about their capacities.

The Hidden Program of Self-Doubt in our Consciousness

With enough time and repetition, even the strongest amongst us can begin to take these unskillfully delivered messages personally and form a belief that we may not be as effective as we think we are.

This can linger as a stealth program in our consciousness, loitering in the back of our minds, waiting for just the wrong opportunity to spring forth, usually when something big is on the line.

Ultimately, all that we’ve created in our lives is a testament to our talent, strength and resilience. But the influence of those early years remains and can get in the way of functioning at our best. So it’s important for us to address ways we can free ourselves from being owned and operated by the varying degrees of self-doubt.

The Power of Self-Awareness in Overcoming Self-Doubt

Quoto: The brain is a very busy organ with finite energy, so it has to conserve energy. This is why it sets us to operate on automatic so often.

Conscious living always starts with awareness. In this case, willing self-awareness.

The first thing that’s required is to marshal the courage to acknowledge that at times we do, in fact, experience self-doubt. And at times, for some of us, that may even extend all the way to feeling somewhat like an imposter.

Many of us don’t want to admit to having any vulnerability like this. If it doesn’t feel safe that tells us that fear is alive in us. Not fear that a large predator is chasing us, but mind-made fear based on our wounded history.

Some of us may fear that if they see us in doubt or not knowing everything, that people won’t respect us or that they’ll use it against us. The irony in this is that when we don’t even admit this to ourselves, we really ARE being imposters because we’re pretending to be someone we are not — and worse — we’re doing this to ourselves.

Surveying your Inner Landscape: Identifying Triggers

Survey your inner landscape to assess the degree to which you’re impacted by self-doubt; and more importantly, consider the types of situations that trigger you.

When I’m coaching people I often ask them to look at “what energy they’re operating from” when they get triggered. If we’re reacting emotionally, we’re often operating from fear — a powerful energy.

For example, if your partner questions whether you’re certain about what you’ve just said, if you get triggered and react defensively, it’s likely borne out of fear. It sucks the life out of the room and everyone feels the drain.

Increasing Awareness for Better Response to Triggers

Quoto: The irony is that when we don't even admit self-doubt to ourselves, we really ARE being imposters, because we're pretending to be someone we are not — and worse — we're doing this to ourselves.

When we significantly raise our awareness, we can begin to see what’s really going on in those triggered moments.

“Ah, they’re asking a question. I don’t need to fall into fear and doubting myself about this. How about I just take a second and check whether I truly AM clear about what I said.”

Aware, we might even realize that our partners might have asked the question because of their own fear about the situation. This opens the door to thoughtful conversation and relationship building, versus hitting them on the head with a loud, “Damn it, YES I’m sure! WTH!!!”

How to Transform Self-Doubt: Techniques and Tools

Doubt is a mind-made pattern we typically adopt at a young age to survive or protect ourselves. When triggering situations occur, self-protective doubt leaps forward as a function of our brains on automatic.

The key here is that the self-doubt is a reaction to a thought that reminds us of old unhealed pain. It stimulates more negative thinking and emotional reactivity.

The good news is that we’re not stuck with it — well, unless after reading this you never do anything about it. But self-doubt can be transformed. Here are just a few of the many techniques available that can help.

Neuroplasticity: Rewiring Brain Patterns

Fortunately, a lot of research over decades has demonstrated that our brains have sufficient neuroplasticity to allow for patterns like this to change. Techniques exist to rewire patterns and I find that those who work with rewiring in a committed way experience significant shifts.

The Work of Byron Katie: Effective Self-Inquiry

Bryon Katie

Seeing through the illusion of our thinking is another great way to free oneself of these types of triggers. Our interpretations of what’s going on are usually colored by our history and our wounds. That overlays a bunch of “crud” on top of what’s actually going on.

The Work of Byron Katie is a very effective technique that can assist us in living more in what’s really happening rather than in our interpretations of what’s taking place. It’s easy to find online but best when you have someone to guide you in where it’s most useful and appropriate.

Applying Compassion and Acceptance

Mary O'Malley

Hey, no matter how evolved one becomes, there will always be a situation that can find some old unhealed pain and trigger us. For those moments, the process that Mary O’Malley developed is very helpful. The focus is on fully allowing our experiences rather than tightening up and locking those feelings away.

Feelings are information. Ignoring or denying them keeps us uninformed, and at times, blind to things that are essential for us to be aware of. Her questions:

  • In this moment, what am I experiencing?
  • For this moment, can I just allow this to be?
  • In this moment, can I touch this with compassion?
  • In this moment, what’s truly needed?

Feel, Then Release...and Save Your Job!

The Sedona Method

The Sedona Method is a process that facilitates accessing our natural ability to let go of uncomfortable or unwanted emotions on the spot. In the heat of the moment, this can come in handy, right before you reactively tell your partner what you really “think”.

Stare Down the Doubt

Inula Martinkat

My dear wizened friend, Inula Martinkat, often said, “Why does everyone stay so wrapped up in their doubting minds? Why doesn’t anyone ever doubt the doubt?”

Simple, obvious, true.

Freedom from Doubt Improves Every Area of Your Life

Our patterns are rarely exclusive to just one area of our lives, so addressing self-doubt will most definitely convey benefit to all areas of our lives. Of this, I have no doubt!

Would you like to be more present, feel more alive and connected, with a greater sense of inner peace?

It's my mission to support people in living and leading with greater ease, wisdom, and inner peace. To feel more deeply connected with those around them.

If you'd like to tap into your deeper insight and practical wisdom to live and lead more consciously, feel free to reach out at to set up a time to connect.

To see what others have to say about the work we do together, please check out the testimonials here. I look forward to connecting.

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  • I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life.

    Violet Lehrer Owner, Clarity Path Coaching Carlsbad, California

    Bodhi, I woke up flooded with gratitude for you today — your essence, your teaching, your energy, your sweet soft voice, your non-judgment. Your ability to have integrated that and not just teach it is inspiring to me. I’m thankful for your clarity and presence and for how much peace it has brought into my life. I’m thankful that the kids have learned the meaning of resistance and trigger.

    I’m thankful for the hundred times I’ve heard your voice saying “the truth and essence of who we are is love” and that I can hear that voice in my head louder than the childhood “you’re not good enough”. I’ve thankful for the healing you’ve guided me on. I’m thankful that you have shown me (and Matt) the path to our hearts. I’m thankful for all the moments of freedom and joy that are in my life because I am not in resistance. You have made a profound difference in my life.

  • It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence.

    Silja Bjorklund Quantum Energetics Practitioner, QE With Silja Encinitas, California

    Working with Bodhi has brought me into a profoundly deep awareness of my true nature. It feels safe to let go of the identification with mind in his presence. His coaching to live this in my daily life is gentle, clear, and very effective.

  • Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique.

    Sofia Manning Best-Selling Author, Founder of Manning Inspire Copenhagen, Denmark

    I have met a lot of coaches and being a coach myself I have very high standards for what I think a great coach is. Bodhi is more than a great coach, he is a healer and teacher as well as a brilliant coach. Bodhi's insight into guiding me to truth is rare and unique. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work with him and highly recommend his coaching to anyone who is committed to truth and living a life from freedom.

  • Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart.

    Monique Martineau Mindfulness Mentor & Wellness Coach Fenton, California

    Bodhi has exceptional wisdom and practical knowledge, always applied with a gentle heart. I learned ways of "being" that allow me to enjoy my life, heal my pain, and be peaceful during heated circumstances.I highly recommend Bodhi as a teacher of teachers.

  • It was my sessions with Bodhi that helped me to heal my most self-destructive patterns.

    Kirstin Nielsen Partner Relations Manager, Aarhus BSS Career Højbjerg, Denmark

    Bodhi is a fantastic teacher and coach, and I’m so thankful for working with him. Though I’ve worked with coaches and therapists over the last 10 years, it was my sessions with Bodhi that helped me to heal my most self-destructive patterns. Now I feel very blessed that my life flows. Bodhi is a very warm and humorous person, and I always get amazing insights during our sessions.

    As a coach I had primarily been using a very result-oriented model with a great number of people in Europe. After meeting Bodhi I learned to act from truth and I feel so much more present with my clients. As a result, my business has expanded naturally without any other effort than just being able to use what I’ve learned from Bodhi with my clients. He makes a great difference for so many people.

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